Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The new great depression

Being a somewhat nervous individual, I am noticing a lot of changes in our society.

The first being the most obvious. Gas prices are climbing at a ridiculous rate. It is doubtlessly due to a number of reasons. Instability in the Middle East, China’s new higher demand, everyone’s wasteful attitude, and good old fashion greed.

Higher gas prices are affecting us in three ways. The first is it cost more to move around; to school, to work, to travel, airfare, just about any means of transportation. The second is heating and electricity. My house uses good old heating oil to heat the house. Based on previous years we should have filled the tank twice. In years past that would have cost around $300 for the winter, this winter was one of the coldest on record, and would have cost at least $500. Many places around the country rely on electricity produced on coal burning, which needs massive amounts of fuel to mine and transport to power plants. The third is the cost of everything goes up. I work in the restaurant business and am involved with the ordering process. Not only has the price of food increased due to larger production costs, but the distribution companies are now charging us fuel surcharges, which are about $20 a week. Higher prices for the production of menu items equal higher prices on the menus.

I used to work on a wheat farm in Canada, and learned a lot about the wheat industry. In the 80’s wheat was sold for about $10 a bushel. (A bushel is roughly a 5 gal. bucket.) In the early 2000’s when I worked in the industry the price had dropped to around $5 a bushel. For the first time since the 80’s wheat is actually increasing in price. I think that the reason for this is the newest “green trend” of bio-fuel. More and more food producing fields are being converted to fuel producing fields, making the suply of food lower. In my opinion, this is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. When the price of luxury goods are going up it is a bad idea to make staple prices rise as well.

I watched a news clip on Foxnews about how some large retailers are limiting the amount of staples that people are allowed to buy. Not only per day, but baised on your past purchases. It seems odd to me that not only are prices increasing, but limits are starting to be set on staple goods.

I am not good at predicting the future and I am not a conspiracy theorist, but it all seems a little odd.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Think of a pride of lions

I’m sure you have heard of the huge raid on the FLDS compound. I’m amazed at the entire situation. 400 plus children, none really know who their father or mothers are, rampant child production facilities.

All this talk about me and my chaste life style has given me something to think about.

Why don’t I join a polygamist society? I think that it is a great opportunity for me, but here are the changes I would make so there will not be the disaster that happened in Texas.

1.No marriage to children. Common, it’s just wrong people!

2.Marry women of different professions. An accountant, a physician, a lawyer, a mechanic or otherwise handy woman. It is always good to have a service professional in the family, why not have them under the same roof?

3.Don’t have so many children. After the first few they really become liabilities. (I hear).

4.Instead of me working really hard to support many wives, they can work a normal work load and support me. I am an excellent cook, and am well versed in the art of homemaking. Plus I’d have time to practice Star Craft II.

5.With 5 or maybe 6 incomes coming into the home, I think that the household will be a very positive place to raise children. They would never have to worry about food, clothing, and a nice stable environment to learn. Plus with their college tuitions being split by 6 parents, money will be less of a factor determining which college to go to.

6.Have you seen pictures of those poly wives? It’s like straight out of the 1850s. Maybe marry a beautician also.

So I don’t know, maybe you can help me get the word out. I need to start my harem… I mean God sanctioned polygamist society, but I know very few women willing to join me in this. (Actually zero.)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

30 Year Old Virgin

A week ago I had an adventure where I ran from an adult situation involving an attractive woman. This week I have been fielding both flack and praise for my decision. And Mike you are correct, It was very Joseph of me to just run away.

When asked why I ran away I have told the truth. The woman was mean to my friends. She was intoxicated and I did not want to take advantage. I got nervous and did not know how to react. All of these are the truth, but not the Truth. (Notice capitalization)
My male friends have mocked, my female friends have looked real puzzled and one woman I work with has called me out. She said, “It’s nice to meet a man with some morals.”

A co-worker said “You’re a virgin” jokingly. I responded, “Your moms a virgin” also jokingly. I should be proud of that fact. It’s been hard not sleeping with my ex-girl friends who are smoking hot. Or the random calls for “action”. Through all the urges my man body has put me through. It makes me want to rip my hair out just thinking about all the frustrations I have had.

I wouldn’t say that I’m an undercover Christian; my good friends know my beliefs. I don’t engage in overt anti-Christian rituals. I’m a really nice guy. However the reason I did not sleep with that woman is because I have religious beliefs that prevent me from pre-marital fornication. I ran because I did not know how to express that in a verbal manner. I still have trouble expressing it to my friends.

I don’t know if you have seen a movie named The 40 Year Old Virgin, but that movie has a scene where the title character is outed for being a virgin, and it is super awkward. That’s kinda how I’m feeling.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

America you have lost your minds.

Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. The clear choice was there, but no, you had to mess it all up.
I of course am talking about American Idol. You kick off Kristy Lee Cook? I’m not saying she is talented, or the best, just the hottest.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Get on your bikes and ride

I did a weird thing the other day, I bought a bike. I’ve been riding it everywhere, and it is a blast.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mmmmmm.... Pork Chops.

I have been eating a lot more pork lately. It is delicious. I have decided to make pork the new beef. The king of meats.
I had the seared pork tenderloin on our menu tonight. It is first seared in a pan, then roasted with a port-cherry glaze. Served with generous portions of dinner vegg and mashed Yukon gold potatoes.
I work a part time job at a dive bar as their breakfast chef. It started out slow because the only people who came in where drunks who needed cooors light to watch their nascar and Sunday morning football. Now I can easily serve $400 in food a morning. I would like to think that my skills as a chef has turned the crowd around, but it may be my love of pork.
This week I had prok chops as a breakfast special, coated in a heavy breading, and broasted. (A broaster is like a pressurized deep fryer.) It was so tender and juicy on the inside, and nice and crispy on the outside.
I think that the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” comes from the fact that pork is the main breakfast meat. Bacon, sausage (patties, links, even gravy) and ham rule the morning hours. Steak and eggs are for suckers.

Don’t worry Prime Rib, I still heart you too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rich Jandt adventure 1

As promised, a current Rich Jandt Adventure.

Recently I was enjoying a beer after work. Working at a bar usually has it’s benefits, in this case, quick service even during busy times. I was enjoying this benefit when an attractive young lady asked if I worked at Mcmenamins. I said yes, and she asked if I could order her a drink, because she was tired of waiting. I happily obliged. Over the course of the night we flirted back and forth and we had a great time.
What was weird was I wasn’t buying her drinks, and she was still being nice, and flirting with me. And she was hot. Of course we stayed till closing, which was 1 AM, when she leaned over and whispered in my ear “this may seem a little forward, but I want you to take me home to “F-word”.” Now she didn’t use my censored wordage, she used the real f-bomb.
Being a somewhat shy (when it comes to male/female relations) I did a serious double take. My mind almost exploded. Did she really say...? Yeah she did. Does that mean she wants too…? Yes it does. Not really knowing how to respond, I said “yes, that sounds great”. She said “ok, I just need to use the bathroom, then we can go”. In true Rich Jandt fashion, the second she left the bar I ran to the bar top, paid my tab, and literally ran home. I only live 5 blocks away, and I ran the entire time.
I really have no idea how to handle that situation. I can think of at least 5 times when I was overwhelmed with adult situations and I just ran away. I am laughing so hard right now thinking about it, because it happened last night. My friends at the bar thought it was hilarious, and called my roommate, who was waiting for me in the living room. First thing out of his mouth was “You ran away?” Yes I did.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What is a hop?

Good question James. What is a hop?
A hop is the female flower of the hop plant.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Blueberry beer.

I recently tried a new bottled beer at work. The name of this “beer” Blue Dawg Brewing's Bold Blueberry Lager. It was blueberry flavored, 8% alcohol, and had a picture of a bulldog kicking a blueberry on the label.

I hated it. Horrible candy like flavoring. I had a stomach ache. The worst part, when I poured it into a pint, it was purple. I knew better but everyone else was trying it. I hate fruit flavored beers, with one exception, Ruby Ale from McMenamins.

It could be that I’m biased, having worked for the brothers for four years now, but I doubt it. It is an unfiltered wheat ale; each batch is infused with 32 pounds of fresh raspberries. It has a little malty sweetness, no hop character, and is very refreshing. That being said, I rarely drink it. It has a reputation as a beer for girls and frat boys and I just do not need that rep right now.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The role of Elders in the Church.

I am in a weird place. Those who read this will know I am often in a weird place. It’s a place where my high intellect and massive amounts of emotion mix and I come up with odd questions and situations, and even more odd solutions.
Most of this is James’ fault, all of his talk about cultural relevancies, new Church movements and what not.

Let’s hypothetically say I am going to plant a church.

If what I deem to be a culturally relevant Church, (meaning group of believers, not a building) does not resemble what we have long practiced as a congregation in the CoC? More than just not in a Church building. More than deviating from our template of opening song, welcome, 2 songs, prayer and scripture, 2 songs, communion, song, sermon, stand as we sing, announcements. What about what the New Testament defines as Church leadership? What if I couldn’t find Elders or Deacons to work with?

The Biblical definition of Church leadership is quite defined. A man who has children who believe, married to one wife, and has a good reputation. One thing that is usually associated with Elders and Deacons are their age. Do you think that the principals that made a good father and an outstanding member of the community made a good Church leader? That they were a good husband, or they just had a wife? Or was it the fact that they had children? Or that there were no people that had bad things to say about them?

What I’m getting at is, I do not think that having children that are believers make a good leader. I do not think that having a wife that hasn’t divorced you make you a good leader. I do not think having a good reputation makes you a good leader. I do not think being old makes you a good leader. I do believe that having children who follow your beliefs show that you are a good mentor, and teacher. That you are married to one wife shows that you are devoted, and care about others. To have a good public reputation shows that you are honest and have integrity. And for the most part more experience makes you wiser. (Or is it more wise?)

There are plenty of people I know who do not meet the criteria found in books like Timothy, yet posses all of the qualities that would produce the things found there if their situation were different. Our society has changed in many different ways since the New Testament was written. It has changed drastically since the Restoration movement. There is no real push to be married. Much less pressure for reproducing. In our society there is much less public interaction to build public trust. People are living longer, and have a vast advantage in education over past generations, meaning they are wiser younger and can learn to mentor without having children.

I think that these characteristics are what are important. To lead someone else to salvation you should be a good mentor, you should be devoted to the well being of others, you should have integrity, and you should be wise about life in general. I think that our culture has changed to the point were the definitions of Church leaders are outdated.

Do you think that I have the authority to make calls like this? What do you think?

Friday, April 4, 2008

National Treasure.

I know it’s not a blockbuster, but I just saw the movie, National Treasure: The Book of Secrets, and really enjoyed it.
A friend of mine said he didn’t care for it, calling it “full of action, no real story line, and totally lacking reality”. That is exactly the kind of movie I want to watch. If I wanted to watch something boring, following a well laid out plot line, and totally realistic I would buy the Little House on the Prairie TV box set.
Plus, it’s almost like a little piece of Indiana Jones to get me though till the real one comes out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

God's little plan

I often think about what God wants from me.

I think I have the basics down, love God, Love my neighbor, do not forsake the assembly. But what else is there?

I guess this is really a two part question, the first being what are the issues in the Bible that are key to my salvation? The second is what specific actions do I need to do?

The day of my conversion, I had a dream. I was standing before the throne, God was telling me something… and all I remember is saying “Yes I will do that.” I have been waiting for years and God hasn’t come down and told me yet what he wants. I’ve asked, prayed, fasted, casted lots, and yet still to this day I do not have a clear calling.

What are our salvation issues? What do we need to live in our lives? What do we need to teach? What do we need to produce? There are a lot of parables in the Bible about producing fruit, and being part of the vine, but what the crap does that mean? I’m not looking for the cookie cutter answers I got in Sunday School, or the preset answers I heard in college about going to church, or acting this way or that way.

Just the basic how do I attain a relationship with God? How do I experience him in a meaningful way? I only ask because I can’t find God in those places I learned about in school. I can’t find him in my local Coc. I didn’t find him at any Church here in Bend. The best Church experience I’ve had so far was Imago church in P-town. I see God in nature, I see God in Science I don’t understand. I see God in personal relationships I have with my friends. I even see God in food and beer.

What do you feel you need to do? What are your salvation issues?