Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rich Jandt adventure 1

As promised, a current Rich Jandt Adventure.

Recently I was enjoying a beer after work. Working at a bar usually has it’s benefits, in this case, quick service even during busy times. I was enjoying this benefit when an attractive young lady asked if I worked at Mcmenamins. I said yes, and she asked if I could order her a drink, because she was tired of waiting. I happily obliged. Over the course of the night we flirted back and forth and we had a great time.
What was weird was I wasn’t buying her drinks, and she was still being nice, and flirting with me. And she was hot. Of course we stayed till closing, which was 1 AM, when she leaned over and whispered in my ear “this may seem a little forward, but I want you to take me home to “F-word”.” Now she didn’t use my censored wordage, she used the real f-bomb.
Being a somewhat shy (when it comes to male/female relations) I did a serious double take. My mind almost exploded. Did she really say...? Yeah she did. Does that mean she wants too…? Yes it does. Not really knowing how to respond, I said “yes, that sounds great”. She said “ok, I just need to use the bathroom, then we can go”. In true Rich Jandt fashion, the second she left the bar I ran to the bar top, paid my tab, and literally ran home. I only live 5 blocks away, and I ran the entire time.
I really have no idea how to handle that situation. I can think of at least 5 times when I was overwhelmed with adult situations and I just ran away. I am laughing so hard right now thinking about it, because it happened last night. My friends at the bar thought it was hilarious, and called my roommate, who was waiting for me in the living room. First thing out of his mouth was “You ran away?” Yes I did.


James T Wood said...

That reminds me of when you punched the guy you thought was someone you knew, but when it wasn't you ran away. Or when you stole the "rude whistle" and defaced it and ran away. Hahahaha

Tim said...

Or the time you...never mind. I won't post that on the internet.

rich jandt said...

Or the time I touched someone somewhere on accident and ran all the way back to Landreth 302?

Tim said...

Actually, that's the one I was thinking of.

Mike Lewis said...

You run away a lot. Sounds like Joseph.

Anonymous said...

Dude, when you touched someone somewhere was the funniest moment in Cascade College history!