Friday, October 10, 2008


Ok, so I got some pictures here that you may enjoy.

Me and Daniel were supposed to be making mean faces. But Daniel dosn't have a mean face, so this is what we got.

Me holding some wienerdog puppies. Yeah, they are cute, but they had that gross new dog smell.

Funnest thing about wienerdog races are the judges. They took it very sereously.

And here it is, the main event.

The handlebar mustache was a shaving mistake, and has been properly grown back in.


Anonymous said...

So good......

rich jandt said...

Hey hot girl, I bet your not real.

Cause hot girls don't say stuff like "so good......" when I'm not dreaming.

Also you look like someone famous, but I don't keep up on things so I'm not sure who it is.

Mang said...

you're so good.

Anonymous said...

She looks like Britney Spears Rich. Don't trust a word she says.