Friday, October 24, 2008

Suddenly I'm interested

So I hear a story from Tim that maybe Obama isn't an American citizen. The story is not being run on the mainstream media outlets, which is weird considering the implications.

There have been numerous questions raised about Obama’s background with no satisfactory answers. The questions that have been addressed include:

1. Where was Obama born? Hawaii; an island off of Hawaii; Kenya; Canada; or ?

2. Was he a citizen of Kenya, Indonesia and/or Canada?

3. What was the early childhood of Obama in Hawaii; in Kenya; in Indonesia when he was adopted; and later, back to Hawaii?

4. An explanation as to the various names utilized by Obama that include: Barack Hussein Obama; Barry Soetoro; Barry Obama; Barack Dunham; and Barry Dunham.

5. Illinois Bar Application – Obama fails to acknowledge use of names other than Barack Hussein Obama, a blatant lie.

If Obama can prove U.S. citizenship, we still have the issue of muti-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegiance to other countries. There are like 2 things that you have to be to be president, 35 and a natural born citizen. Can we even have this man running for office if he is not one of them?

It's not even that this is a huge issue, but has he been blantently decieving everyone about this issue? I don't think that we need a third liar in office in a row.

You can find the entire story at


James T Wood said...

Check your facts:

Anonymous said...

Rich, come on...what kind of a massive conspiracy do you have to believe in to put any faith in this at all. His birth was announced in the Honolulu Star-Register a few days after he was born. To suggest he's somehow covering up being born elsewhere requires a conspiracy going back nearly 50 years, and for what - to put an infant sleeper agent in the White House?


SCH said...

The Advertiser...but regardless, you're being suckered if you believe any of this silliness.

Tim said...

I think it's actually pretty interesting, not that I necessarily believe any of it. The document in question is Barack Obama's birth record is not a birth certificate that proves he was born here but a proof of birth document.

I think this is the website about the guy (who happens to be a Democrat) with the lawsuit against Barack Obama. They just dismissed the case saying that a citizen cannot police the eligibility requirements for someone wanting to be president, but he is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Obama Crimes

BTW, read about Obama's connection to Sorry for the link, but it's on a bunch of other websites too: Obama & Factcheck link

I'm not voting for either McCain or Obama. I just think we need to know the truth. I just assume all politicians are liars.

rich jandt said...

James, refuting a story on the internet with other internet references will not settle the question. I had to go through a rigorous background check to get a driver's license, if my citizenship in question, his is too.

Anon, I am not advocating that this information on the Cleveland leader website is true, or that Obama is some kind of terrorist, my post was calling into question the lack of coverage of this issue. Also why shouldn’t we question this? Anon when you jump to the worst possible motivation and try to make it sound like lunacy, you do not clear up the smaller ones. If the only outcome of this is some nut bag asking some though questions then so be it. I am mostly interested in his false name usage. Why not admit to having a half dozen aliases? Is he hiding something?

I have a hard time believing anything, especially in politicians. I just do not want to be following another president who is a liar. Like George Bush, and like Bill Clinton. Both dirty dirty liars.

James T Wood said...

Tim: by that logic, Berg (the person filing suit against Obama) is also a liar, since he is a politician.

Rich: I attempted to use websites that are known for their veracity in order to determine the reliability of a site which I have no previous knowledge. Not every website is created equal. Unless you want to go to Hawaii to check the birth records yourself you will probably have to settle for the internet.

rich jandt said...

James, if he went to the supreme court with his documentation, that would be good enough for me.

James T Wood said...

Where would you read about the Supreme Court decision? I hope not the internet, 'cause that thing is only full of lying politicians . . . that and hobos.

Tim said...

So who is everyone voting for?



James T Wood said...

I already voted.

Tim said...

Way to avoid the question, just like a politician.

rich jandt said...

I would probably hear about the Supreme Court decision from tv, newspapers, radio, and maybe even see it on the internet.

I would never believe anything on the internet without other sources of conformation. Way too anon.

James T Wood said...

Tim, if I was a politician I would just lie to you, not avoid the question.

Rich, I appreciate some healthy skepticism as much as the next person, but choosing to not believe anything just because of the media through which it is presented borders on paranoia.

BTW, I voted for Obama.

Mike Lewis said...

I voted McCain Palin! YAY! Can't wait for this to be over.

Tim said...

Not sure if anyone saw this:

Credit Card Fraud For Obama