Thursday, February 26, 2009

So there is this really hot woman...

...that stays in my hotel like twice a month. She comes in and knows my name, and she really is hot. Like smokin' hot. And she likes to look at me and smile, which makes my insides feel funny.
She checked in yesterday and said "Hello Rich, we meet again." And I literally dropped my cup of water on the floor. It is ridiculous.
So here is the problem, my hotel has a policy of no fraternization with guests. Plus I'm a scared. Thats right A Scared. I can talk to hot women all day long till one flirts with me, then I drop stuff and turn to mush.

1 comment:

James T Wood said...

The next time she talks to you, you should tell her: "We have a policy here where I am not allowed to fraternize with guests."

See what she says after that - maybe you could meet up at a different pub in town. You could drop your beer there and not get in trouble.