Monday, August 18, 2008

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts

I have been reading a lot of escapist fantasy lately, and decided to change it up a bit. I selected a book titled My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola.

It seemed like an interesting book about the mythology of Nigeria. It has been praised by several book reviews, and a few of my friends.

It is one of the hardest, most irritating books I have ever read. Here is a selected paragraph for you to read, and no, I am not changing a single letter.

"Again, at the same moment that I left the place that I stood behind this tree the alarms started to blow according to how I was chasing this ugly ghostess and I was unable to stop in one place so that the alarms might stop, my aim was only to see the ugly ghostess clearly, because as she was running away so that I might not see her uglyness it was so she was laughing louder at her ugliness and I was also laughing louder at the ugliness. As I was chasing her to and fro to look to look at her ugliness it was so this this bush was blowing various fearful alarms and this was pointing out how I was running and how far reachinging in the bush to the ghosts who were chasing at the back to kill me. This young ghostess was so ugly that if she hid under a bush and if she looked at her ugly body she would burst suddenly into a great laugh which would last more than one hour and this was detecting her out of the hidden place she might hide herself."

I lied, I was going to write an entire paragragh but it is to annoying to read.


Tim said...

Maybe it's the translation. There's a lot of run on sentences in there with needless annoying repetition of words. Was it originally written in Nigerian (or whatever language they speak there)?

rich jandt said...

No, it was written in English.